Source code for fauxfactory.factories.choices

"""Module to keep methods related to selecting values."""

import random
import uuid

from import Iterable

from fauxfactory.helpers import check_validation


[docs] def gen_choice(choices): """Return a random choice from the available choices. :param list choices: List of choices from which select a random value. :raises: ``ValueError`` if ``choices`` is ``None`` or not ``Iterable`` or a ``dict``. :returns: A random element from ``choices``. """ # Validation for 'choices' if choices is None: raise ValueError("Choices argument cannot be None.") # We don't want a single dictionary value. if not isinstance(choices, Iterable) or isinstance(choices, dict): raise ValueError("Choices argument is not iterable.") if not choices: raise ValueError("Choices argument cannot be empty.") # If only 1 item is present, return it right away if len(choices) == 1: return choices[0] return random.choice(choices)
[docs] @check_validation def gen_uuid(): """Generate a UUID string (universally unique identifiers). :returns: Returns a string representation for a UUID. :rtype: str """ return str(uuid.uuid4())
__all__ = tuple(name for name in locals() if name.startswith("gen_")) def __dir__(): return __all__