Source code for fauxfactory.factories.internet

"""Methods related to generating internet related values."""

import random
import re

from fauxfactory.constants import SCHEMES, SUBDOMAINS, TLDS, VALID_NETMASKS
from fauxfactory.helpers import check_validation

from .choices import gen_choice
from .strings import gen_alpha


[docs] def gen_domain(name=None, subdomain=None, tlds=None): """Generate a random domain name. :param str name: Name for your host. :param str subdomain: Name for the subdomain. :param str tlds: Top Level Domain Server. :returns: A random domain name. :rtype: str """ # Generate a new name if needed if name is None: name = gen_alpha(8).lower() # Obtain a random subdomain if needed if subdomain is None: subdomain = gen_choice(SUBDOMAINS) # Obtain a random top level domain if needed if tlds is None: tlds = gen_choice(TLDS) return f"{name}.{subdomain}.{tlds}"
[docs] @check_validation def gen_email(name=None, domain=None, tlds=None): """Generate a random email address. :param str name: Email name. :param str domain: Domain name. :param str tlds: Top Level Domain Server. :returns: An email address. :rtype: str """ # Generate a new name if needed if name is None: name = gen_alpha(8) # Obtain a random domain if needed if domain is None: domain = gen_choice(SUBDOMAINS) # Obtain a random top level domain if needed if tlds is None: tlds = gen_choice(TLDS) email = f"{name}@{domain}.{tlds}" return email
[docs] @check_validation def gen_ipaddr(ip3=False, ipv6=False, prefix=()): """Generate a random IP address. You can also specify an IP address prefix if you are interested in local network address generation, etc. :param bool ip3: Whether to generate a 3 or 4 group IP. :param bool ipv6: Whether to generate IPv6 or IPv4 :param list prefix: A prefix to be used for an IP (e.g. [10, 0, 1]). It must be an iterable with strings or integers. Can be left unspecified or empty. :returns: An IP address. :rtype: str :raises: ``ValueError`` if ``prefix`` would lead to no random fields at all. This means the length that triggers the ``ValueError`` is 4 for regular IPv4, 3 for IPv4 with ip3 and 8 for IPv6. It will be raised in any case the prefix length reaches or exceeds those values. """ # Set the lengths of the randomly generated sections if ipv6: rng = 8 elif ip3: rng = 3 else: rng = 4 prefix = [str(field) for field in prefix] # Prefix reduces number of random fields generated, so subtract the length # of it from the rng to keep the IP address have correct number of fields rng -= len(prefix) if rng == 0: raise ValueError(f"Prefix {prefix!r} would lead to no randomness at all") if rng < 0: raise ValueError(f"Prefix {prefix!r} is too long for this configuration") if ipv6: # questions: generate-random-ipv6-address random_fields = [f"{random.randint(0, 2 ** 16 - 1):x}" for _ in range(rng)] ipaddr = ":".join(prefix + random_fields) else: random_fields = [str(random.randrange(0, 255, 1)) for _ in range(rng)] ipaddr = ".".join(prefix + random_fields) if ip3: ipaddr = ipaddr + ".0" return ipaddr
[docs] @check_validation def gen_mac(delimiter=":", multicast=None, locally=None): """Generate a random MAC address. For more information about how unicast or multicast and globally unique and locally administered MAC addresses are generated check this link :param str delimiter: Valid MAC delimiter (e.g ':', '-'). :param bool multicast: Indicates if the generated MAC address should be unicast or multicast. If no value is provided a random one will be chosen. :param bool locally: Indicates if the generated MAC address should be globally unique or locally administered. If no value is provided a random one will be chosen. :returns: A random MAC address. :rtype: str """ if delimiter not in [":", "-"]: raise ValueError(f"Delimiter is not a valid option: {delimiter}") if multicast is None: multicast = bool(random.randint(0, 1)) if locally is None: locally = bool(random.randint(0, 1)) first_octet = random.randint(0, 255) if multicast: # Ensure that the first least significant bit is 1 first_octet |= 0b00000001 else: # Ensure that the first least significant bit is 0 first_octet &= 0b11111110 if locally: # Ensure that the second least significant bit is 1 first_octet |= 0b00000010 else: # Ensure that the second least significant bit is 0 first_octet &= 0b11111101 octets = [first_octet] octets.extend(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(5)) mac = delimiter.join([f"{octet:02x}" for octet in octets]) return mac
[docs] @check_validation def gen_netmask(min_cidr=1, max_cidr=31): """Generate a random valid netmask. For more info: :param int min_cidr: Inferior CIDR limit :param int max_cidr: Superior CIDR limit :returns: The netmask is chosen from :data:`fauxfactory.constants.VALID_NETMASKS` respecting the CIDR range :rtype: str :raises: ``ValueError`` if ``min_cidr`` or ``max_cidr`` have an invalid value. For example, ``max_cidr`` cannot be 33. """ if min_cidr < 0: raise ValueError(f"min_cidr must be 0 or greater, but is {min_cidr}") if max_cidr >= len(VALID_NETMASKS): raise ValueError( f"max_cidr must be less than {len(VALID_NETMASKS)}, " f"but is {max_cidr}" ) return VALID_NETMASKS[random.randint(min_cidr, max_cidr)]
[docs] @check_validation def gen_url(scheme=None, subdomain=None, tlds=None): """Generate a random URL address. :param str scheme: Either http, https or ftp. :param str subdomain: A valid subdomain :param str tlds: A qualified top level domain name (e.g. 'com', 'net') :raises: ``ValueError`` if arguments are not valid. :returns: A random URL address. :rtype: str """ # Regex for subdomain names subdomainator = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9][-\w.~]*$") # Regex for URL scheme schemenator = re.compile(r"^(https?|ftp)$") # Regex for TLDS tldsnator = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]{1,3}$") if scheme: if schemenator.match(scheme) is None: raise ValueError(f"Protocol {scheme} is not valid.") else: scheme = gen_choice(SCHEMES) if subdomain: if subdomainator.match(subdomain) is None: raise ValueError(f"Subdomain {subdomain} is invalid.") else: subdomain = gen_choice(SUBDOMAINS) if tlds: if tldsnator.match(tlds) is None: raise ValueError(f"TLDS name {tlds} is invalid.") else: tlds = gen_choice(TLDS) url = f"{scheme}://{subdomain}.{tlds}" return url
__all__ = tuple(name for name in locals() if name.startswith("gen_")) def __dir__(): return __all__