Source code for

"""Collection of computer systems generating functions."""

from copy import deepcopy

from fauxfactory.constants import FACTS_JSON
from fauxfactory.helpers import is_positive_int

from .choices import gen_choice, gen_uuid
from .internet import gen_domain, gen_ipaddr, gen_mac, gen_netmask
from .numbers import gen_integer
from .strings import gen_alpha, gen_alphanumeric

def add_memory_info(count=None):
    """Generate fake memory facts.

    :param int count: The total amount of RAM for a system.
    :returns: A dictionary representing memory facts.
    :rtype: dict

    if count is None:
        count = gen_choice(range(4, 128, 2))

    free_ram = gen_integer(min_value=4, max_value=count)

    return {
        "dmi::memory::size": f"{free_ram * 1024}",
        "memoryfree": f"{free_ram} GB",
        "memoryfree_mb": f"{free_ram * 1024}",
        "memorysize": f"{count} GB",
        "memorysize_mb": f"{count * 1024}",
        "swapfree": f"{free_ram} GB",
        "swapfree_mb": f"{free_ram * 1024}",
        "swapsize": f"{count} GB",
        "swapsize_mb": f"{count * 1024}",

def add_network_devices():
    """Generate fake network device facts.

    :returns: A dictionary representing a Host's network devices.
    :rtype: dict

    return {
        "dhcp_servers": {
            "system": gen_ipaddr(),
            "enp11s0": gen_ipaddr(),
        "interfaces": "enp11s0",
        "ipaddress": gen_ipaddr(),
        "ipaddress6": gen_ipaddr(ipv6=True),
        "ipaddress6_enp11s0": gen_ipaddr(ipv6=True),
        "macaddress": gen_mac(),
        "macaddress_enp11s0": gen_mac(),
        "mtu_enp11s0": "1500",
        "netmask": gen_netmask(),
        "netmask_enp11s0": gen_netmask(),
        "netmask_lo": gen_netmask(),
        "network_enp11s0": gen_ipaddr(),
        "network_lo": "",

def add_operating_system(name=None, family=None, major=None, minor=None):
    """Generate fake operating system facts.

    :param str name: The name for an operating system.
    :param str family: The operating system family.
    :param int major: The major release of the operating system.
    :param int minor: The minor release of the operating system.
    :returns: A dictionary representing an Operating System.
    :rtype: dict

    if name is None:
        name = gen_alpha()
    if family is None:
        family = gen_alpha()
    if major is None:
        major = gen_integer(min_value=0, max_value=9)
    if minor is None:
        minor = gen_integer(min_value=0, max_value=9)
    return {
        "os": {
            "name": name,
            "family": family,
            "release": {"major": major, "minor": minor, "full": f"{major}.{minor}"},
        "operatingsystem": name,
        "operatingsystemmajrelease": major,
        "operatingsystemrelease": f"{major}.{minor}",
        "osfamily": family,
        "distribution::id": gen_alpha(),
        "distribution::name": name,
        "distribution::version": f"{major}.{minor}",

def add_partitions(extra_partitions=None):
    """Generate fake partitions facts."""
    partitions = {
        "partitions": {
            "sda1": {
                "uuid": gen_uuid(),
                "size": "1024000",
                "mount": "/boot",
                "filesystem": "xfs",

    if extra_partitions is not None:
        for idx in range(extra_partitions):
            device_id = idx + 1
                    f"sdb{device_id}": {
                        "size": "975747072",
                        "filesystem": "LVM2_member",
    return partitions

def add_processor_info(count=None):
    """Generate fake processor facts.

    :param int count: Number of processors for a system.
    :returns: A dictionary containing fake processor facts.
    :rtype: dict

    if count is None:
        count = gen_choice(range(2, 16, 2))

    processors = {
        "physicalprocessorcount": count,
        "processorcount": count,
        "cpu::topology_source": "kernel /sys cpu sibling lists",
        "cpu::cpu(s)": count,
        "lscpu::cpu(s)": count,
        "processors": {
            "models": [],
            "count": count,
            "physicalcount": count,

    # Add processors info based on total processors
    for idx in range(count):
        processors[f"processor{idx}"] = "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31220 @ 3.10GHz"
            "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31220 @ 3.10GHz"
    return processors

[docs] def gen_system_facts(name=None): """Generate system facts. See for more information. :param str name: Name to be used as the system's hostname. :returns: A Dictionary representing a system's facts. :rtype: dict """ if name is None or name == "": fqdn = gen_domain() else: fqdn = gen_domain(*name.split(".")) kernel = ".".join([f"{gen_integer(min_value=0, max_value=9)}" for _ in range(3)]) host = deepcopy(FACTS_JSON) host["architecture"] = gen_choice(("i386", "x86_64")) host["domain"] = ".".join(fqdn.split(".")[1:]) host["fqdn"] = fqdn host["hostname"] = fqdn.split(".")[0] host["hardwareisa"] = host["architecture"] host["hardwaremodel"] = host["architecture"] host["kernelmajversion"] = ".".join(kernel.split(".")[:2]) host["kernelrelease"] = ( f'{kernel}-' f'{gen_integer(min_value=0, max_value=999)}.{host["architecture"]}' ) host["kernelversion"] = kernel host.update(add_memory_info()) host.update(add_network_devices()) host.update(add_operating_system()) host.update(add_partitions()) host.update(add_processor_info()) host["path"] = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/sbin" host["productname"] = f"{gen_alpha()}" host["dmi::system::product_name"] = host["productname"] host["dmi::baseboard::product_name"] = host["productname"] host["serialnumber"] = f"{gen_alphanumeric()}" host["timezone"] = "EDT" host["uniqueid"] = f"{gen_alphanumeric()}" host["uptime_days"] = gen_integer(min_value=1, max_value=1974) host["uptime_hours"] = host["uptime_days"] * 24 host["uptime_seconds"] = host["uptime_hours"] * 3600 host["uptime"] = f'{host["uptime_days"]} days' host["system_uptime"] = { "seconds": host["uptime_seconds"], "hours": host["uptime_hours"], "days": host["uptime_days"], "uptime": host["uptime"], } host["uuid"] = gen_uuid() host["dmi::system::uuid"] = host["uuid"] return host
__all__ = tuple(name for name in locals() if name.startswith("gen_")) def __dir__(): return __all__